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    The most advanced and digital way of correcting your smile is done with Invisalign. These are sets of clear trays which snugly fit over the teeth and gradually correct the alignment. Invisalign is practically invisible and the best part about the this there are no food restrictions associated with the treatment. According to the leading Cosmetic dentist in Kolkata, the trays are to be worn typically for 22 hours a day only to be removed while eating food and drinking beverages. There is no scope of painful ulcers and wires poking in the cheek with Invisalign.

    There is generally no age limitation for Invisalign treatment. It is suitable to effectively treat both teenagers and adults. Invisalign treatment can start at a young age with early mixed dentition after the eruption of permanent central and lateral incisors and first molars. The best treatment is available with the leading Invisalign service provider at OROCARE!


    The following are some general information regarding what to expect during your Invisalign treatment process:

    • Step 1: Initially the doctor will take photographs, X-rays, and digital scans or a dental impression of the teeth to help formulate your treatment plan.
    • Step 2: These records along with the treatment prescription provided by the doctor is used to create a customised 3D treatment plan which is customized for every patient. This is referred to as ClinCheck® treatment plan. With the help of technical assistance from the best Invisalign provider, the patient can now visualize the final position of their teeth at the completion of your treatment. This treatment plan is used to develop the customised aligners and will determine the duration of your treatment.
    • Step 3: The aligners are now fabricated and shipped to the doctor’s office within a month. You should contact the leading Implant Center near me in Kolkata or anywhere else to get the right inputs from the specialist doctor.
    • Step 4: The aligners will have to be worn for 22 hours a day only for be removed while eating and drinking anything except water. The aligners are to be changed every week or as recommended by the doctor, specially, the Damon Provider.
    • Step 5: Every 6–8 weeks a visit with the doctor is scheduled in order to monitor the progress of the treatment and provide the next series of aligners.
    • Step 6: After completion of the treatment, retainers are given to help ensure that the new position of the teeth is maintained.
    Invisalign service provider
    Invisalign provider